Brief Questionnaire Of Search Engine Optimization

Please provide the following information for your business only (unless stated otherwise) This info will be used to market your brand - In case the business is purely online, please provide a P.O. Box address (however, mailing address remains mandatory)

Please share your URLs (If any)


Do you have a physical location for your business?*

Which location(s) do you want to target?*

Do you use only one website for this business? If not, list out the others*

Do you have the ability to make changes by yourself to your website?*

Do you currently have access to your Google My Business page?*

What specific cities or geographic area are most important for your business to be visible in? *

Please mention the terms or services that are most important for your business to get found for on the internet (use comma to separate)*

Which review websites does your business have most reviews on?*

Are there any keyword suggestions? Please list below!*

First off, tell us a little about your business. What do you offer, what sets you apart, etc?*

Target Audience/Vision: Who are you hoping to target with your social profiles? What about a target demographic/age range? *

Content: We like to include a balance of information about your business with interesting facts within the industry, and trending articles related to your industry and your customers. Do you have any topics that would be useful in

starting a dialogue with your clients?*

Websites: Are there any websites that you tend to use to find industry information or that you think we would find useful in gathering content from? *

Things to Avoid: Are there any topics, websites, or information that you DO NOT want us to use?*

We also encourage you to send us any new information as we go. This allows us to keep our content up to date.*

What is the domain age of the current site?*

What goals and objectives you would like to achieve in the next 6 months using our Services.*

Please mention your primary product/service and how much does it cost?*

How many total monthly visitors do you currently have on your website?*

Who are your specific target markets/customers?*

Who are your top 3 competitors? (Please list their domain names below).*

Please provide 5 search terms frequently used by your customers to find businesses like you*

Do you have any third-party marketing agencies that perform any marketing services for?*

What is your current monthly Sales Value? Or if you are selling products, how many orders do you receive in a month?*

What region would you like to target?*

What are your business days and hours?*

Please provide your website admin login credentials*

Provide Cpanel/Hosting access*

Please Grant the admin access of Google Analytics & Google Search Console tools at*

Any additional comments we should know?*